Lava Field Sunset at El Mapais National Monument, New MexicoEl Mapais National Monument, New MexicoButtes at El Mapais National Monument, New MexicoTettegouche State Park, Minnesoata's North Shore, Lake SuperiorGooseberry Falls, Goosberry Falls State Park, Minnesota's North ShoreYellowstone National ParkCalcite Springs Area, Yellowstone National ParkTemperance River Gorge, Temperance River State Park, Minnesota's North ShoreBlack Beach, Minnesota's North Shore, Lake SuperiorBaptism River Mouth, Tettegouche State Park, Minnesota's North Shore, Lake SuperiorCut Face Creek Wayside, Minnesota's North Shore, Lake SuperiorCut Face Creek Wayside, Minnesota's North Shore, Lake SuperiorHigh Falls, Grand Portage State Park, Minnesota's North ShoreOffshore Rock Island, Horseshoe Bay, Minnesota's North Shore, Lake SuperiorLower Falls of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National ParkUpper Falls of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National ParkYellowstone Lake in Spring, Yellowstone National ParkSnow Dusting in Yellowstone National ParkGrand Sunset, Grand Teton National Park, WyomingSundown in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming